Monday 23 May 2011

Gimme a Break

Gimme a Break 
All my life i dreamt with become a dancer, not any dancer, a classical dancer.
I just remember when i was young so much younger than now, i was walking on the street and i turned my face to see a beautiful theatre, it had a big billboard informing the next play and it called The Swan Lake. I still remember the expresion of my face when my mother told me that it was a masterpiece where a lot of girls danced with the rithm of  the magic, I was really fascinated.
With the passage of the days, I started to have more and more interest in the ballet, but
 unfortunately it was proportionally contrary with the money that was getting into house.
My family was becoming in one poor, so I had to help with the work into house because I had two brothers more.
Slowly I started to be against of my own family, because they had broken my dreams.
- Mary you can´t go out tonight, you have to help with the business, you poor brother has been working all the day. She said.
- Yes I know mother but I can´t continue supporting this, I´m gonna live my life for me.
- I just am sorry. I limited me to say.
So then i took my turn and I followed the way that I was choose, dance.
It was a hard decision, it was too hard be alone and far away of my family. However I needed a break to do my own history.
I travelled to london, to the lands where  I've never been before, where exactly was producing the boom of the classical music; and that went hand in hand with the classical dance, my destiny.
Then I dedicated every sigh to the dance, but I had to work to get money for survive.
Magically I started to have a career professional as dancer, too much sacrifice was having good results.
Coordination, posture, expression, big jumps, big drops, turns, colors, sounds, ballet shoes, makeup, lights, stenography, dress, smile, practices, reliability, professionalism. I reached it, I finally got to be a dancer.
“Where there is a way, there is a chance”

Wednesday 18 May 2011


I think Flora is an over protective mother, she does not listen the thinking and dreams of her son, and of anybody. She is really into in her own mind and she can't see another options, she just can see that she want to.
But beyond of her mistakes, she is a good person; everyone can see that she really loves Reginald and that she is a concerned mother looking for the best for her son.

Reginald is a poor boy that suffered all his life the consequences of a over protective mother, this guy have dreams and own ideas, but he is so bound with the power and manipulation of Flora that in a moment he thought that it was impossible taking off and go in search of the freedom, his freedom.
He is a correct boy, a good student and a good friend, but he is very shy, and his shyness impedes you get closer to the girl he likes.

Bob is a father really disconcerted, and the ideas in his mind basically are based in the followings: television and television.
But I think he listen more the desires of Reginald than his wife, he is a normal man and if we look inside his body we can find with a big heart.

Tommy is the typical boy that has security with the girls, he is handsome and really a  good friend that helps Reginald to reach his freedom.

And finally, Carol, she's the girl who Reginald loves; she is a pretty girl and a good person.

Monday 2 May 2011

Activity number 6 - Unit 1

I think people in Barrancas are really friendly, because this is a little town and everyone knows every citizen from Barrancas, i would say that it is a pessimistic place by a very specific reason, the majority of the people here are old, so they in a lot of aspects are pessimistic.
But Barrancas have good things too, people here are very talkative and again i would say "too much talkative".
This is a town in the middle of the field so the habitants are relaxed, they don´t have a lot of  concerns that in the big cities like in ´Rosario´ we have.

To sum up, Barrancas is a calm town with people unambitious, they are happy with simple things.

And if i have to speak about another country, i will choose to speak about Brazil, i visited Armaçao this summer and let me say that i felt really confortable, this is a magic place, people in Armaçao are very friendly, they are optimistic and relaxed.

I think they are funny people and a important factor, they are not ambitious.
Do you know why people in Brazil are so funny and happy?
The sea, the beach, the hills, the green scenary, all that makes you happy.
But in fact, people here are also poor , and people here are very hard-working.

Sunday 1 May 2011

Are people in Rosario green?


The purpose of this report is to know how many people in Rosario help the environment. It is based on the results of a survey carried out by 10 citizens.
Non-environmently: The results of the survey show us that only a few people consume organic fruit and vegetables daily.
Friendly actions: The majority of those interwieved say that if  they see litter on the street, the don´t pick it up and put it in a bin.
Green activities: A small number of people recycle paper generally.
Everybody except for one prefers to pay more for something that is good for the environment, and a large number of people use plastic bags when they go shopping.
Conclusion: To sum up and taking into account the results of the survey made to Rosario`s citizens, we can show that people here are not green. I would recommend the increase of healthy foods and organic fruit in everyday diet, the using of cloth bags to go shopping and more recycling of paper at home.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Red carpet - WOMAN

On the red carpet, we saw a variety of dresses, we talked about the best dresses of that night, now is time to talk about the worst dresses of the Academy Awards.

Tyra Banks
I'm going to be honest, i don't know this woman, i never heard about her, maybe is an actress or a singer, but I DON'T KNOW HER.
And i don't know what she was thinking about when she put on that dress.!!!
The dress she's wearing is really awful,taking INTOaccount that she is not a young girl, is a woman and not a princess, if we see the dress we can say that is a little old the model, it's a combination very rare because is loose but in the same time is tight, it is colour purple. If i have to talk about to the function of this dress i would say that it's an horrible dress of a fifteen's party.

Red carpet - WOMAN

Now let's talk about the most glamorous and expected awards of this year, yes, the academy awards 2011.
On the red carpet we saw different styles, among them, we choose the best and worst dresses to talk about.

Miley Cyrus

That night, she wore a beautiful dress, it was shiny and it highlights her pretty face.
She choose a colour very elegant, champagne, this dress was perfect for the ocation.
One more time, this girl show us her good taste for the fashion and the elegance.

Lady Gaga is an excellent example to talk about the ridiculous, she always looks very extravagant, she uses shiny dresses, furry clothes, things too tight, and her preferred texture is the leather or fur, in that photo she looks really awful.